In this blog Katherine from Grace Foundation shares her top tips with you

Anxiety is that feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something about which we are uncertain of the outcome. When we don’t know what is going to happen, it is easy to start to feel scared. There are times in life when we feel nervous for good reason such as before an exam or if you are about to jump out of a plane! This heightened feeling can sharpen our senses and help make us ready for action. But when you start to forget what made you feel concerned in the first place then we can easily get overloaded.

It is normal to have anxious feelings at time of uncertainty and sudden change. What isn’t normal is when feeling unsettled prevents you from doing everyday activities. If this starts to happen you may need to seek help from someone you trust.

In this week’s video we will discover more strategies for dealing with anxiety as outlined in the rest of this Blog below.

Top Tips for dealing with anxiety

Below are five keys for combating fear and worry especially in a time of crisis. These will only make a real difference if you find someone to talk through what is going on for you.

 1) Accept

When it is a strange and difficult time, it is okay to give yourself permission to grieve and feel sad about how different life looks and that there are things that you can’t do any more. Grieving doesn’t mean staying in a place of sadness but dealing with your emotions until you finally come to a place of acceptance.


2) Engage

Look for ways to have face to face time with others. Try using free video apps if you can’t meet in person. Seeing someone’s face and hearing their voice always leads to a greater sense of connection than just texting to chat or posting images online.


3) Move

Try doing exercise or help with practical stuff around the house. Exercise gets rid of adrenaline and causes the release of endorphins which is a happy hormone! Helping and engaging with something practical for someone else can take your mind off anxious thoughts and leave you with a sense of achievement.


4) Pause

Take 10-15 minutes a day just being quiet and becoming aware of how your body is feeling. This could look practising mindfulness, having some quiet time or taking deep breaths. Some people pray as a way of connecting with themselves and their spirituality. Have an attitude of gratitude! Taking time out means being thankful for the good things that you do still have in your life.vvvv


5) Learn

  1. Keeping your mind active through studying and learning is good for your mental health. As well as your studies for school, you can learn about topics for fun as well! Have you always wanted to learn sign language or how to bake a cake? Temporary distraction is a great technique provided it doesn’t become about long term covering up what needs to be dealt with on the inside.

Our Virtual Chaplain says…

 “In a world that looks drastically different from day to day it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Believe it or not the Bible doesn’t promise that we won’t experience difficulties and challenges in life. It does however tell us what to do with our stresses and worries when they come; we can give them to God. If you give something away, it means that you don’t have to carry it anymore. God doesn’t want us to be weighed down with your anxiety, he wants us to be free. Take some time to tell God how you feel and you might just feel that weight lift today!”


Bible Reference: 1 Peter 5 v 7


Take some time to make two lists to help you work through your anxious thoughts

  • LIST 1: What are you grieving right now?

    It’s okay to be sad and grieve for the things you’ve lost and that life looks different. Exressing sadness in a safe way can help you come to terms with your senses of loss.

  • LIST 2: What are you grateful for right now?

    There are still lots of things that you have in your life you can be thankful for e.g. family, friends, pets, food and a home. Greatfulness can reduce anxiety and worry. 



Make a MEME on social media of something you used to be afraid of in the past, but you have now overcome that fear for the future.

FOR EXAMPLE “I used to be scared of Spiders… but I am alright now!” (SPLIT SCREEN PIC OF SPIDER! PIC OF YOU)

Use the hashtag #ethoschallenge to share with others.

Useful Stuff

If you feel like you need to chat to someone urgently or need confidential support if you are experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)

The Lily Jo Project
Here you will find information on anxiety and stress, as well as other mental health help.

The Mix
The Mix offers essential support for under 25’s with topics covered such as mental health and work and study.

Young Minds
Mental health support. There is a section titled ‘What to do if you’re anxious about coronavirus’.

Stay Safe! – Katherine x