Welcome to the Grace Foundation Training Pathways!
At Grace Foundation, we are passionate about training, equipping and inspiring you to be the best that you can be. This document outlines the training that we will be offering you during your time with us. That said, this isn’t the last word on all things training. If you need specific training not covered here, let us know and we will do what we can to provide it.
This guide is split up by role: Ethos Leader, Youth Worker, Family Support Worker, Relationships and Sex Educator and Admin Team. For each role there are 3 parts: Induction Programme, Initial Training and Ongoing Development.
During your Induction, we will take you through this plan and explain to you how you can access the training, and how you record that you have completed each module.
This plan will also be used to guide part of the the conversation during your line management meetings with your line manager, and mentoring sessions with Matt Brown.